Documents Gateway CSS stílsnið

We allow CSS overwriting in Documents Gateway, so if you would like to change your user experience, you can easily do that. You can customize colors, fonts, sizes, shapes, and sections to maintain a consistent style for a pleasant user journey.

To do so, you would need to create a public CSS URL that you host and share the link with us ( And then, we will update the signing windows with your design. 

Note: Please be mindful of the What You See Is What You Sign (WYSIWYS) principle coming from the ETSI TS 119 431-2 standard. Content must be clear and visible for the client to make an informed decision when signing.

Below you will find a list of sections defined as CSS classes that you can customize to your liking.

Document Signing window

  1. Document Information section ( .isign-details-block )
  2. Signers section ( .isign-signers-block )
  3. Content section ( .isign-documentlist-block )
  4. Sign section

Note: ADOC containers carry additional class for metadata ( .isign-meta-block ).

Successful Signing

  1. Document Information section ( .isign-details-block )
  2. Signers section ( .isign-signers-block )
  3. Content section ( .isign-documentlist-block )
  4. Download section ( .isign-download-block )

Open signing window

  1. Metadata section
  2. Content section ( .document-list-block )
  3. Signers section (if the document is signed)

Sequence Signing window

  1. Notification section ( .action-bar__notification )
  2. Signers section ( .isign-signers-block )
  3. Content section ( .document-list-block.isign-documentlist-block )
  4. Sign section

Successful sequence signing window

  1. Documents section ( .sequence-result-listing )

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